Desktop Published Historical Wargames
designed by Rob Markham
Current Titles Available
Guadalajara 1937
Covering the battle north of Madrid, this game will kick off a
new series that will cover some of the most significant battles
of the Spanish Civil War. Units will be at battalion/regiment
level and hexes will be .75 kilometers wide. The Battles of
the Spanish Civil War System continues the philosophy of Markham
Designs - keep it simple and make it elegant. The only work the
gamer should have to do is have fun.
Click here for more information and basic
The game features:
300 die-cut counters
10 11 x 17-inch maps
and the usual set of charts and rules
$45 (if ordered before 9/20/01, price then $50)
click on cover to view components
The Birth of the
United States Army
Based on the Vimeiro system, the game features:
scale: battalion-level
178 die-cut counters
an 11 x 17-inch color map
and the usual set of cards, charts and rules
click on cover to view components
Hobkirk Hill
Battles of the
American War of Independence: Volume 1
A game that use the Vimeiro system with some obvious modifications.
The game features:
128 die-cut counters
a 13 x 19-inch color map
and the usual set of cards, charts and rules
The game is playable in under 2 hours.
click on cover to view components
Battles of the American
War of Independence: Volume 2
A game that use the Vimeiro system with some obvious modifications.
The game features:
128 die-cut counters
a 13 x 19-inch color map
and the usual set of cards, charts and rules
The game is playable in under 2 hours.
click on cover to view components
Please only order games that are currently available.
I now accept payment via PAYPAL.

Or send money in check or money order (in US $) to:
Rob Markham
30 Erickson Road
New Milford, CT 06776
Include an additional
$3.50 for shipping in US
or $6 outside US
(for total order)
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Discussion Board
And discuss Rob Markham's games in the
Game Company Support Forum: Markham Designs
Coming Soon from Markham Designs
Medina de Rio Seca
La Guerra de la Independencia:
Volume 3
This Sceptered Isle
Two battles of the Wars
of the Roses: Blore Heath and Bosworth
Using the La Guerra de
la Independencia system
They Died in Hell
Third Ypres